(picture above) also did all of the cooking over a coal stove. Rice for breakfast lunch and dinner! Highlights for Izzy and I were when we had just got back from a walk to see the view from the hill next to us, a Cambodian gentleman who taught English near by came to ask whether we could come and talk to his English class. He said, "Can you come and share the message of God's love with my class, they have never met Americans before." We said that we did have time to go and went and shared the gospel with them. I've never seen Izzy so inspired as she taught from the front of the class but she preached for about 15mintues passionately about God's love. We were so pumped after this as it was another arrangement that we couldnt have planned for ourselves if we'd tried. They asked us to go back the following day as well.
The second day the youth performed the drama that our Montana DTS team had taught them for all of the kids. It was the best performance that I'd seen them do, afterwards Amom and Dara explained the skit and Kalyan gave them a chance to respond and ask God into their lives. This was all going on in Khmer but as she finished talking about half of them enthusiastically raised their hands and followed Kalyan with a prayer. It is so encouraging to think that this is continual fruit of layers and layers of the work that YWAM teams coming and doing ministry in Cambodia, passing the gospel to the Khmer people so that they can continue to pass it on to their own people. Even the pastor's Bible had been given him to YWAMers about 15years previously. I felt like God wanted us to pray for healings for any of the kids that needed it. About 25kids came forwards which was a shocking number to me, illness is what these kids have to deal with everday because of the conditions that they live in, and yet they were still coming along to this kids camp and playing with loads of energy. Most of the illness wasnt as serious as it was mainly colds and headaches, so I prayed a general prayer for them and then we with the pastor prayed for the kids with more serious symptoms. One girl had pains in her legs which she said totally went after we prayed for her. Another boy had the shakes which also disapeared after praying. God is so good and His heart for these kids is so big!