Feb 6, 2011

Montana Night Life...

In The Quaint Town of Bigfork, Over The Flathead Bridge...

There is a Cosy Inn that will Serve you a Bottled Beverage, and Give you a Straw...

Have you ever tried a Flathead Lake Gourmet Soda?
It is Made by Hand and it's Flavour is Huckleberry!

In the Inn there is a dance floor;
where patrons swing the night away...

To a live four piece band
Newcomers can showcase their rhythm...

Overlooked by A Mounted Deer Head!


victoriavolkman said...

Em! This is a fun way to showcase a slice of Montana life :) Miss you and am thankful for the work you're doing up there!

EGUK said...

Hehe, Its like story time!