Aug 9, 2011

Love In Its Rawest Form

Some ponderings in verse just before returning from outreach in Costa Rica. It started with one line, but turned out to be a story...

Love in its rawest form
Concerned momentum
A will to be good toward
A thought to expend oneself for another
It Involves more than one

What if the raw source was a person?
Where else could it come from?
Where does matter come from?
In the beginning God.

They Were
He Was
Matter was good
Some matter was more alive than another
Some matter had forever spirit

That matter was very good
That matter resembled the person source
That matter had the ability to expend oneself for another
But also to expend another for oneself
One action life-giving the other lead to death.

And what if the Father with the good toward will guided
the created resemblance on how to expend oneself for another?
But before even that to expend oneself for himself,
Which could only benefit oneself.
He Gave a command.

To follow it would be love
To not would be to expend from another
Which ultimately kills life.

They unfollowed
Which might mean to turn away
To Disobey
To Say, "I want my way, which is different to yours."

And when two walk in differing direction
Greater spans the degree of separation
Notably so when ones leads to life and the other conjures masses of lacking
to the point worse than nothing
Because death is painful

Togetherness is broken

With one in isolation

The question was laid bare
Because never before had this problem been there
Is travesty reversible?
An act that ramifies every soul
The tragic truth that the matter with forever spirit was destined
for forever exclusion in a place where death is painful and exit exists not.

The person source,
Love in its rawest form willed into momentum
A passionate concern for their creation,
An idea to end the deprivation

A part of his heart he gave
To become the created resemblance
And yet to fully remain love in its rawest form
which could only mean perfection

Perfection followed hallowed command
What ever it might demand
Therefore keeping perfect step with the father of creation
not one degree of separation
life on earth to the breadth of its summation

And the second part?
To expend oneself for another, in its greatest form
To lay ones life down for a brother
He took the task
That only the source person could ask

Not because he had set a foot wrong
But because one he was passionately concerned for had
Not just one but every soul who ever turned away
We all had
Everyone was bad

What happens when perfection dies?
Right before your eyes
Perfect truth no lies
They Were
He was
Together...then wrathful separation

But they were one
A will for concern in its rawest form
That power could not be overcome
A force of magnitude innate before time
magnetism reviving life to its prime

Death became life and this was miraculously multiplied
To all that chose to listen and hear
And know it as a personal belief
Enough to follow the command
What ever love in its rawest form might demand

To allow concerned momentum
Goodness toward even one
who expends another for themselves

That we can give
Because love in its rawest form
Gave everything for us.

1 comment:

Shannon Mintz said...

Beautiful, Em! I love your writing... and your art. :) You are so talented. Muah! Shannon