Aug 14, 2012

One Year In England!

Time has flown by as it is coming up to a year since I flew into Heathrow airport from the USA last
September.  The aim of returning home was to gain experience in the Spa industry as well as keeping
up my professional skills and this has definitely come about which I totally thank God for.  I have been
fortunate to have started full-time work with Breathing Space Spa: continuing my personal training as
well as taking on a business assistant role.  I couldn't ask for a better job.  In the central picture above I
am running with one of our members Mandy who has just achieved a weight loss of 4 stone in the
course of the year!  Other highlights of 2012 have been getting to meet my nephew Benjamin, who I
totally adore!  Peter and Amber are visiting in August so I will get to see him again soon!  Also we have
had lots of visitors for the Olympics thanks to help from friends and family (especially thanks to
Mum!).  It has been really fun having people stay from USA, Switzerland, Norway, Finland and Nepal.

Being home has really given me time rest, refuel and take stock of where I'm going and what it will
take to get there.  I don't feel that it is the right time to go to Cambodia in September as timing is
everything and preparation is essential!  I feel that God has opened doors to gain work experience and
qualifications which will be really valuable for the future.  In my small group at Soul Survivor Church
Harpenden we are studying the book of Acts: an exciting account of the early church with one mind
blowing event after another.  With some research you learn that these events actually happened years
apart with a lot of time spent not directly on the mission field (in Acts 9 Saul goes home for about 12
years!). This assures me that “plodding along” in everyday life and being faithful in the small things is
all part of the plan!  With a bigger vision of eventually being involved with a health centered business
as missions project I feel that the small things that I am doing this year will help lead me towards this.  

From September...

Breathing Space . Swimming Teaching . Open University .  Soul Survivor Church . Youth work 
and possibly a business as missions course in Thailand?!  (February)

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